3 Leveraged Foreign Exchange Trading



This is a computer system for Foreign Currencies Trading Business mainly for those trading with ROLLING FOREX at HKEX. The system is for Foreign Exchange dealer, investors, Bankers, Fund Managers. The system is used for margin client management on margin valuation of open positions, floating interest on open positions and all done automatically. This system calculates commission for settlement contracts.





此系統適合從事ROLLING FOREX合約方式之商品交易商,銀行家,基金管理機構等.處理客戶之交易,計算孖展,利息及平倉佣金,亦可隨時以市價計算浮 動盈虧.因為本系統的設計非常靈活,適合處理香港交易所之商品交易.計算 佣金,利息等.